What are Apply Clubs?
Apply Clubs are a space for sub-committees and more specific fields of applied anthropology to meet, exchange knowledge, discuss needs and action items, and find mentors, jobs and friends to support your career as an applied anthropologist…

Being part of an Apply Club will give you a community of colleagues and allies sharing topical interests, allow you to create reading groups and book clubs, help you fundraise, find mentors, jobs and internships and link to other AAN Apply Clubs, existing AAN initiatives and help shape future ones.

How can I get involved?
If you're interested in becoming an active part of an existing Apply Club, reach out to the current Leads!

If you want to start your own Apply Club prepare a 2-page document of your Club’s purpose, goals, concerns and hopes and send it to:

View and register for


Apply Club for Anthropology of the Arts

Where anthropologists working at the intersection of art and anthropology can share their experiments, artistic practices, and creative projects. Our main aim is to connect anthropologists working at the intersection between art and anthropology. The apply club is a place to discuss the intersection between art and anthropology, exploring sub-topics such as experimental ethnography, ethnographic films, and also anthropological research on artistic communities and practices. 

Axelle Van Wynsberghe

Axelle is an social anthropologist, currently working as digital content manager for the European Green Party. She was previously a freelance researcher and curator in the Netherlands and Belgium and has worked with the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 (DiEM25), the European Commission’s Joint Research Center, and various art organisations on citizen engagement projects and issues concerning digital technologies and society. She has co-curated the HELLO WORLD! Exhibition (2018) and the MY BODY MY CHOICE Exhibition (2022). She received her BA in Cultural Studies & Social Anthropology at the University of Kent, as well as an MA in Arts & Society at Utrecht University. 


Apply Club Lead


Apply Club for Anthropology of/in the Built Environment

Where industry professionals, focused on people-centred design in the built environment, meet to exchange ideas, engage in interdisciplinary conversation, network with peers and obtain essential resources.

Dr. Gemma John
Founder and Director of Human City

An applied anthropologist, Gemma began her career in planning and architecture in 2014 with AECOM and Foster + Partners in London. She established Human City, a spatial strategy consultancy in 2017.

Christina Cheadle
Consultant at Stripe Partners

Christina is an anthropologist whose expertise lies in material culture and the home. She formerly worked with Marie Kondo of Japanese home organisation fame and currently is a research consultant at Stripe Partners in London.


Apply Club Co-Lead


Apply Club Co-Lead


Apply Club for the Anthropology of Digital Methods

We’re a space for people who are interested in the use of digital tools and methods for anthropological research and those who are interested in the interplay between people and the emerging fields of media, digital and technology.

We’re committed to creating a space for everyone interested in digital anthropology and ethnographic methods to collaborate, share ideas and meet one another. Join our LinkedIn group and get involved.

Dominika Kopeć

Dominika quit her PhD studies to conduct commercial research in the UX. She works as a UX research consultant for companies, governments and agencies. She is also a start-ups mentor at Start-it KBC

Sadaf Rasheed

Sadaf is the Founder and Director of Anthronation. An applied anthropology consultancy, specialising in the interplay between humans and the digital world. She has experience in user research, marketing, and using digital tools and content for positive behaviour change.


Apply Club Co-Lead


Apply Club Co-Lead


Apply Club for the Anthropology of Finance

Erin Taylor

Erin is a consultant, researcher and writer with 18 years of experience designing and implementing projects, directing teams, managing budgets, and producing outputs for diverse audiences, research strategy, design and implementation, cross-sector collaborations (industry, academia, government, NGOs) and writing about financial behaviour and human-technology interaction.

Frank Romagosa

Frank is an anthropologist, a design and research strategist, and a brand and business builder, based in New York, USA. For over 20 years Frank has worked with designers and product leaders from a broad range of Fortune 100 enterprises to young and nimble startups to build new products, platforms, services, and user experiences. In a phrase, Frank’s work is about transforming organizations by making sure that real human experiences tell the story.

Helena Linde Pedersen

Helena is a human-centered researcher, innovation strategist and financial activist based in Copenhagen, Denmark. With her background in business and economic anthropology, she bridges a commercial mindset with a drive to ensure critical engagement, social responsibilty and environmental and financial sustainability in all her work. She is currently on a mission to build and strengthen the research culture at Danish fintech Unicorn, Pleo to ensure they sustain customer centricity as they grow and bring Pleo to an evermore diverse range of users.


Apply Club Co-Lead


Apply Club Co-Lead


Apply Club Co-Lead


Apply Club Co-Lead


Apply Club for the Anthropology of Health

AC Health is the community for those interested in finding solutions to improve health and healthcare by employing an applied anthropology perspective; it provides an open space to talk, meet, network and exchange ideas, best practices, resources and opportunities.

If you are interested in learning about future events, please sign up to our mailing list.

Gaia Campanelli
is a Master’s student in Medical Anthropology at the University of Oxford. She is interested in the relationship between ecology and health inequalities. She holds research and organisational experience in different fields and wishes to work towards the establishment of innovative, community-centred ways to approach collective health issues.

Heinrich Schwarz, PhD
is an innovation strategist, business anthropologist, and design thinker. He is co/founder of Schwarz Innovation and, consultancies that help clients turn a deep understanding of people and cultures into novel solutions and meaningful business opportunities. He holds a PhD in science and technology studies from MIT.


Apply Club Co-Lead


Apply Club Co-Lead

Organizing Committee

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Apply Club for the Anthropology of Sustainability

This Club brings together anthropologists and practitioners working across sectors to exchange ideas, resources and opportunities in the growing field of sustainability. Topics of interest for the Club include: decarbonisation and energy transitions; post-growth; climate finance; sustainable consumption; circular economies and green jobs; sustainable development; CSR and ESGs.

Pauline Destrée

is an Assistant Professor in Anthropology at Durham University, where she teaches a range of courses on energy, sustainability and economic anthropology. She works on energy infrastructures and resource extraction in Ghana, and is currently writing a book on the oil industry and environmental futures in West Africa. She is the co-director of the MSc in Sustainability, Energy & Development at Durham and is passionate about anthropology's potential to inform sustainable futures.


Apply Club Lead

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This club provides applied anthropologists and other social scientists with a space to meet, exchange insights and hopes, practice skills, find mentors, and build knowledge about theories and methodologies related to experiences of humans with technology, desired futures, creativity, innovation, humans' impact on technology and inversely, and industry and nation-state actors.

Miguel Gomez Hernandez
is a techno-anthropologist pursuing his PhD and teaching at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. He focuses on how older adults and the industry envision future smart-home technologies. He also teaches courses on health humanities and design thinking. Previously, Miguel researched and developed guidelines to design mobile apps and sensors for older people, primarily in the e-health domain. His academic background is an MSc in Denmark, and a Dual BA in Spain and Finland. He also lived in Russia.

Markus Rothmüller
is a Techno-Anthropologist and Industrial Engineer by training, working in the fields of strategic foresight, venture building and product management and discovery. His projects often center around the future of mobility, energy and health including emerging technologies such as autonomous vehicles, smart homes, or tele-health / home care products, etc.
Applying anthropology mostly in the backgrounds of his work, he looks at concepts like socio-technical worlds, actor-networks, rituals, mediation theory, transformation and belonging as an add on to mainstream innovation methods.


Apply Club Co-Lead


Apply Club Co-Lead

Apply Club of Emerging Technologies