Jaime Ulloa Gómez
Undergraduate student in BASS Social Anthropology and Philosophy at the University of Manchester. His interests are in the intersection between anthropology, and science and technology.
Chilean born, currently studying in the UK but with the intention of returning to Chile, wishing to contribute to national technological development through anthropology. Beyond anthropology, also has a big interest in philosophy, particularly in areas closer to science such as philosophy of science and epistemology. Current member of the Chilean LIANM (Laboratorio de Inteligencia Artificial, Neuroderechos, Plataformas Digitales y Metaverso), an organization that seeks to generate interdisciplinary discussion and legislation projects regarding disruptive technologies. During the program, having Helena Lyhme as a mentor, he had the chance of learning about the applications of anthropology in industrial areas such as software development and consultancy (focused specially on business analysis and user experience). As a reflection there is a deep gratitude to the organization and his mentor, as it showed and explained in details options for anthropologists who might consider paths beyond academy.