We are proud to announce the eleventh annual (onsite) event
Why the World Needs Anthropologists:
The Power of Isolation
27-29 October 2023 in Brac, Croatia
A symposium that explores the different applications of anthropology beyond traditional academia. At the eleventh edition, The Power of Isolation, we aim to create a collective movement to confront some of the most pressing and challenging global issues of our time.
The eleventh edition of our international symposium will be held on the island of Brač in Croatia. It will raise the question of what it means to be isolated. Through lectures and workshops by people who have experienced and explored isolated spaces and communities, the symposium will highlight how isolation affects the human experience. The event will present isolation as an ambiguous concept. In some contexts, isolation can negatively impact demographics and worsen everyday life in urban and rural areas. On the other hand, in times of digitalisation and hyperconsumption, people often experience information overload and, more than in the past, seek isolated spaces to be inspired, live a meaningful life, identify new values, and find better perspectives for themselves.
In addition, symposium attendees will have the opportunity to experience isolation firsthand by turning off their communication devices, such as smartphones and laptops. No social media, no posting, no selfies. What happens on the island stays on the island – for three days.
Do you dare to come?
Why The World Needs Anthropologists: The Power of Isolation is a result of a research project called Isolated People and Communities in Slovenia and Croatia, funded by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency and the Croatian Science Foundation.
Organising Team
Anna Copacel Berza, Lana Peternel, Antonija Petrinović, Dan Podjed, Anja Pogladič, Katarina Polajnar Horvat, Simon Provoost, Helena Ramírez, Markus Rothmüller
Advisory Board
Marijana Belaj, Hrvoje Čargonja, Bhavesh Jadva, Carla Guerrón Montero, Rajko Muršič, Ana Perinić, Nevena Škrbić Alempijević, Jana Žiljak Gršić
EASA Applied Anthropology Network, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Supetar City
European Association of Social Anthropologists, University of Ljubljana, University of Zagreb, Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Centre for the Culture of Brač, Tourist Board Supetar
Media Partner
The Human Show podcast

Director of Techno-Anthropology Lab at the University of Aalborg

Applied Cultural Studies and Social Sciences Researcher
Associate Professor in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Ljubljana

Theologian, feminist and activist
Visual Artist
Professor of Cultural Anthropology at the University of Zagreb
Associate Professor in the Anthropology of Migration at the University of Oxford
The Applied Anthropology Network is proud to announce the programme for WWNA 2023: Power of Isolation on the island of Brač, Croatia. Day 1 will set out exciting plenary talks on bold and engaging topics based on the strands of this year’s theme. Day 2 will see a day of WWNA staples, action and inspiration-focused Workshops and snappy, energetic Perspectives presentations. Day 3 will consist of the customary, relaxed appraisal of the AAN.
This year’s event will not be streamed online.
Hot and cold drinks, light snacks and finger food will be provided at coffee breaks. Conveniently located restaurants will be suggested for lunch and dinner and attendees’ expense.
Do I have to be vaccinated to attend the event?
No, COVID related restrictions have been lifted across Croatia.
Previous WWNAs have been hybrid, will I be able to attend this year online?
No, in keeping with this year’s theme, this year’s conference will only be available on-site on Brač.
Do I need a travel insurance?
We do not require it but very strongly recommend it.
I have accessibility concerns, who should I talk to?
We will be working to make the conference as accessible and friendly as possible. We are hosting WWNA 2023 across two largely accessible venues: Supetar Cinema: Porat 27, 21400, Supetar and Supetar Primary School: Porat 25, 21400, Supetar. Please contact our Accessibility coordinator Allura Warden by emailing wwna@applied-anthropology.com and write “Accessibility” in the subject line.
Can I bring my child?
Yes. We are child friendly, and it is an intergenerational conference after all. But please give us a heads up because depending on how old the child is, we may have to count it as an adult in terms of physical occupancy. Be advised: if you bring your child, we will attempt to make sure it becomes an anthropologist later in life. It’s the best future for anyone.